When Gladys chose the date for New South Wales to have picnics again, it’s as if she knew that Monday 13 September 2021 marks the start of World Negroni Week!

On 26th August 2021, NSW Premier Gladys Berijiklian announced that the state had reached a vaccine milestone of 6 million jabs.
Our reward: the opportunity to catch up with friends in real life.*
No more Zoom screens, no more wistful WhatsApp messages. No more wishing for that in-person catch-up or at best a masked hello from the end of your neighbour’s driveway.
From September 13th, we can get together in person properly and celebrate. We can celebrate the glimmer of light at the end of this lockdown tunnel and - probably just as important - celebrate World Negroni Week.
Gladys’ Picnic Negroni
To mark these two momentous occasions, we‘ve brought out this Limited Edition Gladys’ Picnic Negroni!
This 1-litre bottle of perfectly pre-mixed negroni cocktail for your first picnic in… what is it? 500 years? features the exquisite Australian Native Blend Original Dry Gin from Stone Pine Distillery in Bathurst, NSW.
Share it amongst the five of you on your World Negroni Week picnic and raise a glass to Gladys and her foresight and timing.
Same-day delivery in Sydney Metropolitan Area. Orders over $200 come with free delivery Australia-wide.
This is a limited edition bottle, but it’s not just for New South Wales. We welcome all our wonderful neighbours from other states and territories to join in World Negroni Week - September 13-19.
Here’s to the best cocktail on earth and to getting vaccinated against Covid-19.

So he doesn't feel left out, we've also created one for Mr Andrews: we've named this special edition litre bottle of negroni Dan's Egg & Spoon Negroni. Pre-order yours here:
* This is what Gladys said on August 26:
“Today, I’m pleased to announce that given we did get to the 6 million jabs, that from 13th September… five people will now be able to gather outdoors so long as all adults are vaccinated… that could be sitting in a park with a picnic… or similar event.”
The vaccinated adults you meet with must also be from within your LGA or in a 5km radius of your home.
